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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

November 2014

@EveryBrokenWave That was my guess over on Interference too. It’d be great to finally know the full set!

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I (Ax) lost my childhood cricket bat but I have this souvenir signed by Roger Twose. RIP Phil Hughes. #putoutyourbats http://t.co/L7mpup3EZ6

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Awful tragedy today in the world of cricket. RIP Phil Hughes, you were an incredible talent. Cricket won’t be quite the same without you…

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@atu2 Plus it’s hard to take that article seriously when it says 360 began at MSG and that Bono plays “a lot” of guitar.

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U2enEspana If plans don’t change after #Bono’s accident, tixx for #Barcelona @U2 #Volcanotour will go on sale on December 9th http://t.co/5I1JZWxWxI

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:08 PM, Nov 22nd, 2014  via Twitter Web Client)

Well look at that, Bono may be a in a bad way right now but he’s in a good enough condition to finish an article: http://www.huffingtonpos…

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@JohnCropp I doubt this’ll affect shows over half a year away. If it any other band member I’d be worried, but you don’t need arms to sing.

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Good grief, Bono’s bike accident was more than just a little tumble: http://www.rollingstone….

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@JohnCropp @U2sJerseygirl Yes, that’s likely. Hopefully we will know soon whether or not the residency rumour is true.

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Rumour time: U2 to play the Bell Centre in Montreal on 6 and 7 June 2015.

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Jimmy Fallon & The Roots closed the Tonight Show w/ cover of “Desire”. If you somehow missed what happened to Bono: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@Aries_Chick_x Probably a good chance. Almost every U2 tour has gone to Glasgow. Last time they didn’t was ’97 (played Edinburgh instead).

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@EveryBrokenWave Haha yes, you tweeted it just minutes before the news broke!

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U2’s residency with Jimmy Fallon has been POSTPONED after Bono was injured in a bike accident: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@U2Nurse Multiple unrelated sources. Combo at once makes me think we’re v close; having tour promo on Fallon makes sense.

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Rumours heating up that a U2 tour 2015 announcement is imminent. Possibly soon as Monday. That’d allow weeklong tour promo on Fallon.

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U2enEspana #Bono confirmed yesterday to a fan in #berlin that @U2 tour will be announced before end of November #VolcanoTour #Bambi2014

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:22 AM, Nov 15th, 2014  via Twitter Web Client)

vetriu2 New video: Out of Control live from East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA 360º multicam HD #U2 youtube.com/watch?v=gEk39g… @atu2 @u2gigs @U2place

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:57 AM, Nov 14th, 2014  via Twitter Web Client)

Here is our mainpage report of @U2 at the Bambi Awards, including images: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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Receiving their Award at the Bambi @U2 http://t.co/0BZpsF2igM

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U2 playing Every Breaking Wave at the Bambis right now. It’s the usual promo tour version with Edge on piano.

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Rea Garvey now introducing U2 at the Bambi. http://t.co/RxLors1h7S

 via U2gigs (Matt)

If the official Bambi Award stream is geoblocked for you, you may want to try this unofficial one: http://www.livestream.co…

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@HansVink You can try this link http://www.daserste.de/l… maybe not available outside Germany.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to HansVink

U2 on Bambi Awards today. Live stream here, begins 8:15pm Berlin time (2:15pm US eastern; 6:15am Friday Aus eastern): http://social.ard.de/bam…

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@EileenCummings9 Would be interesting to see other predictions; I’ve enjoyed what others have made in comments so far.

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Don’t forget, tomorrow U2 will receive a Bambi Award in Berlin and perform live: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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Hope you enjoy my tour prediction series. All That You Can’t Leave Behind got the prediction treatment yesterday: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@christinamullis Yep. Think the fanclub is US$50 to join at the moment, which seems a bit steep to me…!

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@christinamullis I (Ax) had no trouble getting tickets to 360 in general sales, but Vertigo in arenas was nuts; fanclub presale helped!

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@christinamullis It is probably a good idea to have fanclub presale access, esp since the tour will be in arenas and demand will be intense.

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More European U2 tour rumours - Barcelona, Milan, Paris, Turin: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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If you missed yesterday’s news, U2 are headlining KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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It’s been too long between drinks in my tour predictions series. Finally, here are my ATYCLB picks: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@EveryBrokenWave @U2santos And let it be said this Matt (aka Matkin) was a damn fine member of the team and I (Ax) miss having him on board.

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U2 to perform at KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas + details of how you can attend: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@U2santos this is another Matt :-) I have a personal account as well but it’s used so rarely that it makes no sense to follow. Matt

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The vid of EBW at the EMAs that was in our mainpage article is no longer viewable. View official vid here: http://www.mtv.co.uk/ema…

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EveryBrokenWave @U2Gigs With yesterday’s performance Every Breaking Wave repasses The Miracle for most-played song on the album (including 360 tour though)

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:37 AM, Nov 10th, 2014  via Twitter Web Client)

Here’s video via @U2tour of Every Breaking Wave at the MTV EMAs: http://www.dailymotion.c…

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@philnmarks That link kept failing to load beyond halfway for me.

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Our report on @U2 at the MTV EMAs, hoping for official video since everything so far has been taken down: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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Video of @U2 performing Every Breaking Wave at MTV EMA https://www.youtube.com/… via @EveryBrokenWave

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U2 perform Every Breaking Wave at #MTVEMA via @joey_visser @i_Zepeda

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joey_visser Bono and Edge perform Every Breaking Wave at #MTVEMA @u2gigs @U2start

 via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:56 PM, Nov 9th, 2014  via U2gigs (Matt))

EveryBrokenWave @u2gigs Also 25 years since U2 accidentally marched in protest that it fell!

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:19 PM, Nov 9th, 2014  via U2gigs (Matt))

25 years ago the wall in Germany came down. First thing I’ve bought was my first U2 single WTSHNN :-) /Matt

 via U2gigs (Matt)

U2 to play MTV EMAs on Sunday + footage of their great 1997 EMAs performance: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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U2 to perform at MTV EMA in Glasgow on November 9 2014 http://u2.gs/pg

 via U2gigs (Matt)

U2 to receive Bambi Award in Berlin, will perform at ceremony: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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@EveryBrokenWave Haha. Actually I’ve just been lazy. Meant to run it yesterday; ran out of time. Was going to today but now we have news!

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SOI promo tour comes to the US - U2 will perform on Jimmy Fallon’s show all week starting Monday 17 Nov: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

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u2w Edge says “Every Breaking Wave” or “The Crystal Ballroom” for second single in Spanish interview.

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:24 AM, Nov 3rd, 2014  via Twitter Web Client)

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