_spaceboy_ @u2gigs we just have to thank you! My first view of the “claw” was in a video of you.
I also did a photo set at the first 360° tour date in Barcelonahttp://u2.gs/nQq #U2360
I can remember how surprised I was about the massive amount of views and comments just a few hours after uploading them.
It’s 4 years today since U2 kicked of the 360° tour in Barcelona. Here is our video playlisthttp://u2.gs/mwV
u2com ‘He made the impossible possible.’ The Edge on Mark Fisher. u2.com/news/title/he-…
ONECampaign #U2’s acoustic version of “Sunday Bloody Sunday” is now available on Spotify. Listen here: ow.ly/mrTYP #agit8 #protestsongs
me_and_U2 Bono’s interview with Gay Byrne on RTE is now online:
rte.ie/player/gb/show… fb.me/VjmHb4hQ
u2wanderer Fisher was involved in Zoo TV, PopMart, Elevation, Vertigo and u2360. Huge part of the design of those shows.
u2wanderer Mark Fisher, U2 stage architect passes away. RIP RT @alancross: Acclaimed Tour Stage Designer Passes Away http://t.co/lslYvewhky

U2log Video: U2 - ‘This Is’ (Aslan cover) youtube.com/watch?v=3p4hxw…

jkscatena Exclusive U2 footage - Bono & The Edge performing Sunday, Bloddy Sunday, by JKScatena #U2 youtu.be/RKx8zbfzXP4?a
JacRousseau Oh, you know…just U2 having a concert on the roof across the street. (!!!) #U2 #no filter instagram.com/p/Z_yU1pHY0M/