PJDeGenaro @u2gigs Who’s gonna ride your feral descendants of domesticated horses… ????
I guess nobody is gonna ride their wild horses anymore theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/…
u2songs Have you received your U2Com fan club gift (Joshua Tree Vinyl set)?

Well. This was certainly a strange moment in what is ostensibly a comedy #YoungOffenders #U2 youtube.com/watch?v=5FmJjT…
I’m not normally a fan of KFC, but this really is quite good. bbc.com/news/newsbeat-…

Canada right now: youtube.com/watch?v=1k8XKa… #Olympics
This is very cool, and Brian Eno has been involved in it too! bbc.com/news/technolog…
@calvinpijn @calvinpijn I see no chance for a third show in Amsterdam. The usual gap between shows 2+3 is already 2 days.
Fourth night in Milan announced for Oct 16th u2.com/news/title/fou… #U2eiTour
Autocorrect only works when you don’t need it to, it seems… twitter.com/lucas_venencia…
The Mexican alpine skiers (yes you read that right) have amazing Dia de los Muertas themed outfits at these Olympics.
Frank9Ki Olympic Games: Canadian duo @mhjd_85 & @Rad85E skating to on powerful cover of U2’s “With or Without You.”
@U2… https://t.co/kUDmSbECZl
U2ZooStationTV 26 years ago #OnThisDay Tuesday 11th February 1992, #U2, myself & their own official lookalike band The Doppelgange… https://t.co/2lIGNC4yhP
atu2 Vandals have stolen items and vandalized The Joshua Tree site in California desert. (some bad language in the video… https://t.co/QqreZ0G5z8
u2songs Four reissues on vinyl? Coming in April and July. More info on the site: u2songs.com/news/vinyl_rei… (Many thanks to… https://t.co/YZNoQkLUS0
I dreamed about Red Flag Day last night. It was weird though. The song was playing faintly on a radio in the backgr… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
Somewhere in Berlin #U2eiTour https://t.co/jeNsbncE44
Go sports!
sethckal At work, in our building, people have pictures of themselves outside their office door. It makes a statement about… https://t.co/0wJN4MO0De
U2 February 2002 when @U2 played the @SuperBowl #U2 #SuperBowl2018 https://t.co/NEKcs7JhyE

U2’s halftime show ranked only 6 in this list. Agree? youtube.com/watch?v=hOUqXW…
Second Belfast show announced for Oct 28th #U2eiTour
And it’s true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die
We are looking for 2x GA for the first Berlin show. Buy for face value or trade. Please contact by DM. Matt