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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

August 2015

RT @U2start: If you go to Turin, don’t forget to prepare for and participate in the #AmplyRed Flashmob during the show: https://www.youtube.com/…

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.@jackmhicken I loved the show in 2005 when U2 covered Love Will Tear Us Apart with Arcade Fire: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh… (do it again lads!)

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@jackmhicken Yep, added to the set. :) Two of my favourite Joy Division songs together. One day should throw him “New Dawn Fades” lyrics…

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@jackmhicken Ah thank you! Sounds like they’re both there; “she’s lost control again” first, then “radio, live transmission”.

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The #U2ieTour is about to hit Europe. The stage is currently being set up in Turin: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2

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ZiggyCl End of the vacancy! installation of sono and stage in Torino! #MyDreamOnStageWithU2 @U2 @u2gigs @U2ieTour @atu2 @u2br http://t.co/tdP3Y5K2jn

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Aug 29th, 2015  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

brunnercaffi @u2gigs Oh yeah, it was really wet. Got a great Adam shot though. flickr.com/photos/stoeff/… http://t.co/xNHPVUrZhd

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:56 PM, Aug 26th, 2015  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Drea104 but it’s always special for most of us I think. Even with the possible illness the following days ;-)

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@Drea104 I can count only shows with personal experience ;-)

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If we talk rainy shows Zurich 2010 must be included http://youtu.be/SaVusE4F… (Mothers Of The Disappeared)

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U2 New Year’s Day from rainy Moscow 5 years ago http://youtu.be/SKayIV_X…

 via U2gigs (Matt)

U2 City Of Blinding Lights 5 years ago today in Moscow https://youtu.be/kM04tZn…

 via U2gigs (Matt)

@U2Sydney I always use plugs at concerts since 2001. Heard a few times the current setup is very loud.

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@hjwallace1 I know what it is without looking :-) Matt

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RT @hjwallace1: @u2gigs making me nostalgic. My fav 360 moment is Bono’s reaction @ 2:39 in this vid Matt took: North Star in Munich https:https://youtu.be/YMkGOA5…

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@KevinMFeeney you’re right. Just posted this as well.

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The same U2 show in Helsinki also had the debut of Every Breaking Wave http://youtu.be/q9C-z-dl…

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U2 No Line On The Horizon performed for the last time 5 years ago in Helsinki http://youtu.be/M2ERW0Km…

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U2 360 stage in sunset. Photo taken 5 years ago in Horsens, Denmark. http://t.co/yTMqNTkiK7

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bibalukas @u2gigs and this is my picture from this moment - 500px.com/photo/1369666/… :-).

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U2 Return Of The Stingray Guitar performed 5 years ago in Frankfurt https://youtu.be/puanAlS…

 via U2gigs (Matt)

@U2Girona @atu2 @atu2comSherry @setlistfm I’d say that happens when they not copy as they usually do.

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@Noodles105 @U2 Yes, record for a first leg - but not record for any leg. Third leg Vertigo also had 48 different songs. :)

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@WilAnderson @toolz2112 Dear Wil, time for guest appearance at a U2 gig. I’ll make sure it gets a sweet writeup on our database. Cheers, Ax.

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@Noodles105 @U2 They did, however, beat the record for most original songs: 44, beating the record of 42.

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@Noodles105 @U2 They did 48 songs on the first leg, not 49, so they equalled but didn’t pass the record.

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@joej2012 Totally agreed. It’s very high on my list of songs I’d love them to perform again.

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We’ve posted 124 great photos from the last New York show by Jason Brice herehttp://u2.gs/qk9j #U2ieTour http://t.co/YXztgYc989

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@joej2012 Lovetown Tour Melbourne in 1989. Have a look here: http://www.u2gigs.com/Ex…

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to joej2012

@wesy_b @inztantkarma Hah yeah. If it’s an arena tour though I expect the rotation to finally be broken and Perth to get the nod.

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@stubby70 I (Ax) would dearly love U2 to play my hometown Wellington again… but no chance of that on an arena tour.

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@stubby70 @SallieAnnG @U2Sydney @rileyrat I am concerned that if U2 do semi-residency model in Aus (a la 2015 legs), NZ may miss out.

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@SallieAnnG @U2Sydney @rileyrat @stubby70 Yeah there should be no trouble with arena staging in the five main capitals or Auckland.

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@U2Sydney @rileyrat @stubby70 I don’t think light half the prob here that it is in northern Europe! Main issue is staging.

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@SallieAnnG @U2Sydney @rileyrat @stubby70 All but definite Euro & North American legs next year, but should still be room for Australia!

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs Take You Down is on the Axtung Beibi bootleg. It’s awesome.

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@rileyrat @U2Sydney @stubby70 Yeah all I’ve heard has said arenas so far - but why wait until 2017 to do that?

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs Take You Down spawned 3 Achtung era songs: Fly, UV, LadyWTSH. “Wake up dead man” line then lingered to 97!

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@U2Sydney @rileyrat @stubby70 Yeah agreed. This makes me worried they’ll do stadiums here - those will need time to rebuild demand.

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs In turn, parts of Pop originated in Achtung or Zooropa sessions. Wake Up Dead Man and The Fly share origins!

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs After all 90-00 took the biggest singles from ATYCLB already, and U2:18 hits some other ATYCLB/HTDAAB bases.

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs As I understand it, U2:18 completed contract for 3 Best Ofs. I wonder if they’d wait to do 2000-20 volume?

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@AnonYTerSongs @StartAtlnfinity They do love recycling random old stuff though. COBL a good example - its origins are in the Pop sessions.

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@rileyrat @stubby70 So if they come in 2017 rather than 2016 it allows one more year for that undercurrent of demand to develop.

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@rileyrat @stubby70 Part of the logic may be to rebuild Aussie demand. 360 had weaker attendance than Vertigo & SOI less popular than NLOTH.

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs I was kind of surprised how little recycling there was on SOI from the unreleased songs played in 2010-11.

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@stubby70 I know, I’m surprised by this new rumour. Sources are strong but I hope the tour’s actually 2016.

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs Yeah it’d make a nice b-side. Being written for Spiderman musical prob kills chances of being on an album.

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@RJHenderson7 Almost a given. Probably mid-2016 and likely arenas again. Hot rumour right now says Philly in June.

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@StartAtlnfinity @AnonYTerSongs Yep, that’s the only time it was played - though it was soundchecked in New Zealand: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh…

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@breentony Still waiting. The silence on that front worries me…

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@lukas_venencia Haven’t heard anything new recently, sorry.

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@mentis79 That’s the hot rumour, yes. Details remain sketchy.

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@wesy_b I have a standing assumption that any rumour peddled by Nui Te Koha is definitely wrong.

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The #U2ieTour Australia 2017 rumour comes from 2 different sources. One claims to have it straight from sound guy Joe O’Herlihy. #U2

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@wesy_b Two separate people who had two separate convos. Can’t say more about one; other posted on Interference they spoke to Joe O.

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Rumour now has it that Australian #U2ieTour dates won’t be until 2017. (Damnit.) #U2

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@Mamacitaosa Party Girl was done at just four Elevation shows.

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Bruce Springsteen on stage with U2 at last New York show. Photos by Jason Brice #U2ieTour http://t.co/8CpdYDZSqS

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xAquaheart @u2gigs Wolves/UTEOTW when its done processing youtube.com/watch?v=i2Jfx0…

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And a second video of 40, from a quite different angle. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/Anon…

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xAquaheart @u2gigs here’s 40 youtube.com/watch?v=pojbnH…

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:31 AM, Aug 1st, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney It’s been fun guys! Look forward to doing it again in Europe.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Wonder if somebody had to call 911 for her… or if they just ignored her because they’re not from Virginia!

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@xAquaheart Ooh cool! Wolves/Until The End Of The World? I should try to figure out what Bono was quoting in UTEOTW…

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Leading into Streets would’ve solved the problem of where that organ at end of UC is meant to lead!

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal I was surprised they never did Unknown Caller/Streets. But I’m pleased Caller vanished fast.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal One member of the Late Show, Rob Sitch, did impersonations. His impersonation of Tutu is a classic.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal That video was especially funny if you’re Aussie and old enough to remember the Late Show.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney I like how tonight Bono gave a shoutout to Engine 44 again but no mention of 911 girl!

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney I’m still both mystified and tremendously amused by this.

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Check out this video of Streets/I Still Haven’t Found/Stand By Me. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/xAqu…

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Oh my god that’s a special kind of misfortune. The universe owes them a refund.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney I’m all “I want to hear Bono not some drunk guy”, but I’ll take the Drunk Acrobat Chorus over speeches.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Hawking and Desmond Tutu should do a video together about One and Red. It’ll be played before Party Girl.

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1st leg of every #U2 tour has featured New Year’s Day since War’s pre-tour of Dec ’82 except for ZooTV and now the IE Tour too. #U2ieTour.

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@sb_wreeldeal I hope they try to make Troubles more regular. Hands/Pride will probably go. Don’t expect big shakeup though.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Like I keep saying, play Song Whatever/Paul Simon snip/Streets seamlessly THEN give speech.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Usually at least we can blame Bono but in that case it was Edge who let us down.

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@CrazyLemonCat You’ll find it over on @U2Start! Great recording. Best live Mofo and Please in my opinion.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Remember how scarily close Bono came to taking his head off with the flare some nights?

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@xAquaheart Looks like it’s been removed because it’s too long? :(

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney It was wrecked by Edge doing this really lame plinky-plonky solo with no distortion & the Hands/Johnny snips.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal Bullet: 1. Zoo, 2. Elevation, =3. JT/Lovetown =3. IE, 5. Popmart, 20,000. Vertigo.

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@KevinMFeeney @sb_wreeldeal I’m actually not crazy on Popmart Bullet. Starts great but the end was usually too long and drawn out.

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@StartAtlnfinity An extended Troubles solo to wrap up the night would be amaaaazing.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Nothing for me can come close to Zoo Bullet. Esp the “America fuck you/Zoonited Nations” version of 1993-08-12.

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@StartAtlnfinity This is so far literally the only U2 tour ever to not feature a new song in the encore at any show.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Consensus? Like, whether or not it’s popular? I’d say it’s gone down very well.

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@sb_wreeldeal Best part about that Boston ’05 Party Girl is that it replaced Yahweh. Worst part is they did Vertigo x2 next rather than 40.

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@sb_wreeldeal Party Girl is so much fun isn’t it? I consider myself lucky to have heard it twice: Boston 3, May ’05 & Melbourne 2, Nov ’06.

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@sb_wreeldeal @KevinMFeeney Hah we’re definitely not going to agree about EBW.

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@KevinMFeeney Haha well predicted. Go get a Lotto ticket! (I should too. I predicted Party Girl & 40 for tonight weeks ago.)

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@StartAtlnfinity Yeah, and Volcano had become semi-regular before this run of shows too!

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Hey, whoever asked earlier what’s the 2nd most played #U2 b-side (after Party Girl), yes the answer is Boy/Girl: http://www.u2gigs.com/Bo…

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@StartAtlnfinity I figure it’ll probably get a couple more occasional outings on the European leg.

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@KevinMFeeney Of course the shambolic ’05 Boston OOC was incredible, high point of the show, but a polished take would be nice one day.

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@KevinMFeeney I’ve heard Out Of Control once but it was the shambolic spontaneous Boston 2005-05-26 version. Would love to hear it properly.

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@StartAtlnfinity I’d be very impressed if U2 had been aware of that!

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@KevinMFeeney 2/2 …because I really did think they’d bust out either California or Crystal Ballroom.

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@KevinMFeeney Haha. Luckily those of us playing along online had a spoiler and knew Party Girl was coming. Desire was a bummer though…1/2

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@pdog311 Actually no we don’t - that’s a good idea!

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@KevinMFeeney Time zone will be horrific. Think the Sept shows will start around 4-4:30am for me. Then we hit DST so at least 5am there on.

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@StartAtlnfinity @U2start @atu2 It’s great fun & exhausting. More the former, which is why I (Ax) have been part of this for over a decade!

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@StartAtlnfinity If I were a betting man I’d be short some coin right now because I would’ve put money on it being played at least 1 show.

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Printed set from NYC 8. Only variation is that Stand By Me is not on printed set. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/g_ra…

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RT @AnonYTerSongs: @u2gigs @StartAtlnfinity ISFWILF is taking a century to process, but here’s another Party Girl vid in the mean time. htthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…

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@KevinMFeeney Cedarwood is my favourite both studio and live, but yeah RBW is second live and I’m not a big fan of studio version.

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@KevinMFeeney Hope you’ll be around for some of the European tour coverage mate!

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markpeterboro Final North American U2 setlist chart (36 gigs) #setlistgeek #u2ietour @u2gigs #NYC8
Stand By Me is longer, so its in http://t.co/qj07cAkFvY

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:21 AM, Aug 1st, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

I (Ax) also want to thank Chris, Ashley, & Travis for helping cover shows, and especially Matt for making this site possible! #U2ieTour #U2

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Thank you everybody for following our coverage of the 1st leg of the #U2ieTour. I (Ax) have enjoyed your input, opinions, and jokes. #U2

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Still buzzing from tonight? Want more #U2 concert stats to fuel the fire? Prepare your personal chart: http://www.u2gigs.com/pe… #U2ieTour

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CBarcaSTJ Thank you @U2. For making this week and a half unforgettable. Couldn’t have dreamed of a better night. How long to sing this song? #U2ieTour

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:08 AM, Aug 1st, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

Here is the full setlist and write-up for NYC 8: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who streamed tonight - and every night this leg. You are the best! #U2ieTour #U2

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@jay2bell He said both, best gig and best tour.

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Massive and beautiful singalong of “how long, how long” to end the first leg of the #U2ieTour. #U2

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25. 40! Dedicated to Dennis. Back after missing seven shows. #U2ieTour #U2

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Big thanks now from Bono to the late Dennis Sheehan. His wife Pam is there tonight. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono keeps gushing: “this has been the greatest #U2 tour ever for sure”. Now thanking the crew - Willie W., Joe O., etc. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono: “well that’s the greatest gig ever!” #U2ieTour #U2

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More chanting of “Bruuuuuuce!” after Stand By Me. Sounds much better than the booing yesterday. (I was saying boo-urns.) #U2ieTour #U2

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Crowd singing along loudly with Bono and Bruce during Stand By Me. #U2ieTour #U2

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Stand By Me is 24th song of the night. Bruce is now singing a verse. #U2ieTour #U2

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@U2TOURFANS I (Ax) have never said no to a few pints before!

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I Still Haven’t Found is going into Stand By Me. #U2ieTour #U2

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About bloody time those Springsteen rumours finally amounted to something! #U2ieTour #U2

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Massive singalong time for I Still Haven’t Found, with Bruce Springsteen on stage with #U2. #U2ieTour

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Crowd is chanting “Bruuuuuuuuuce”. #U2ieTour #U2

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23. I Still Haven’t Found, dedicated to Bruce Springsteen! “Gave us a level we could never reach but always aspire to.” #U2ieTour #U2

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Streets has its usual California snippet. #U2ieTour #U2

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22. Mother & Child Reunion - back to a snippet tonight after Paul Simon’s surprise appearance yesterday - leads into Streets. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono is giving Bill Clinton another shout-out, and Hillary too. This time it’s about the fight against AIDS. #U2ieTour #U2

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Time for Bono’s encore speechifying. #U2ieTour #U2

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@LeftRightBack @atu2 Shine Like Stars was done at the first NYC show.

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21. Encore begins with City Of Blinding Lights #U2ieTour #U2

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Encore time! Stephen Hawking video just began. #U2ieTour #U2

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@mveernl Yep, already got that listed. :)

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@ryannichols7 So weird. Got plenty of love in Toronto/Boston, almost forgotten in NYC.

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No Shine Like Stars at end of WOWY. Encore break. Check out full set so far here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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My gut instinct is that Bono was channelling Sinatra there at the end of BDay so will list that, not U2’s “New York”. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono was also singing “new york” at end of BDay… but debatable if it was Sinatra “New York, New York” or #U2’s own “New York”! #U2ieTour

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20. With Or Without You. At the end of Beautiful Day was a Hungry Heart snippet. #U2ieTour #U2

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Will we be lucky enough to get Bad after Beautiful Day? Can’t believe it’s only been done at 1 out of 7 NYC shows so far. #U2ieTour #U2

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bethandbono U2 plays Party Girl at the last night of #u2ietour in North America. youtu.be/oRnKpakunh8

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Bono is acknowledging Bill Clinton during Pride, thanking him for his role in bringing peace to Ireland. #U2ieTour #U2

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18. Snippet of Hands That Built America leads into Pride #U2ieTour #U2

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Bullet has snippet of 19. #U2ieTour #U2

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17. Bullet The Blue Sky #U2ieTour #U2

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@1979Wolly That was a snippet before Moment Of Surrender, not a full performance.

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16. Every Breaking Wave #U2ieTour #U2

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@atu2 That was just a little snippet before Moment Of Surrender. Last full performance was 2009-07-07 in Milan.

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Since that debut performance in February 1983, Party Girl has been played on every tour except Popmart. #U2ieTour #U2

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Hilariously, at Party Girl’s debut in Dundee on 1983-02-26 Bono claimed that was its “first and probably last” performance. #U2

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Party Girl is by far #U2’s most enduring live b-side. This is its 188th performance since debut on 1983-02-26. #U2ieTour

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15. PARTY GIRL TOUR DEBUT!! First performance since 7 July 2009! #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono: “Edge doesn’t have to dress up, he just wakes up as The Edge!” #U2ieTour #U2

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u2br U2BR ON STAGEEEE!!!!!!

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@patrickmoraes_ I thought it was going to be 1969 but he was mumbling too incoherently for me!

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Alright #U2, go on and bring @TylerBronn on stage. The world needs A Sort Of Homecoming. #U2ieTour #U2 #asignofhomecoming

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I’ve no idea what Bono was trying to snippet there in the middle of Desire. #U2ieTour #U2

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Bono dedicated Desire to the chief of Engine 44, “the fighting Irish”. #U2ieTour #U2

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14. Desire, back after missing one show #U2ieTour #U2

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Mysterious Ways also has a Young Americans snippet. #U2ieTour #U2

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Assuming EBTTRT stays in set, Turin will be 1st time it’s been played at a full tour gig outside the Americas since 1998! #U2ieTour #U2

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Burning Down The House snippet in Mysterious Ways #U2ieTour #U2

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U2 |LIVE NOW| Tune in now.. don’t miss the final NYC show. #U2ieTour #meerkat mrk.tv/1HcneEM

 via (retweeted on 3:39 AM, Aug 1st, 2015  via Twitter Web Client)

@atu2 Back when I did debating in high school I would listen to Mofo from Popmart Sarajevo to get pumped before every debate.

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Bono: “put your hands in the New York skyline! Feel the heartbeat of the groove now!” #U2ieTour #U2

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12. Even Better Than The Real Thing #U2ieTour #U2

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@StartAtlnfinity Haha, busted. I was hoping nobody saw it for the couple of seconds it was like that.

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11. The second set begins with Invisible. #U2ieTour #U2

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Intermission time with The Fly. Full set so far: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2

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@ryannichols7 Still disappointed I never got to hear that live!

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I think that was a snippet of Words by the Bee Gees. #U2ieTour #U2

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UTEOTW has Love And Peace Or Else snippet. #U2ieTour #U2

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@ryannichols7 Totally agree that A Celebration is a lost gem. Party Girl’s a bit of silly fun… and the studio version is poor.

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10. Until The End Of The World. The usual Psalm 23 snippet concluded Raised By Wolves. #U2ieTour #U2

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SPOILER TIME BELOW. I believe yesterday I was betting some of you that these two would show up. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/atu2…

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Raised By Wolves is the other new song that I think has become truly exceptional live. #U2ieTour #U2

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9. Raised By Wolves

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SBS has snippet of When Johnny Comes Marching Home #U2ieTour #U2

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8. Sunday Bloody Sunday #U2ieTour #U2

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@atu2 Seems she’s been at heaps of shows this leg.

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I (Ax) definitely think Cedarwood Road is one of the absolute highlights of the new material. Killer live. #U2ieTour #U2

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6. Cedarwood Road

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