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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

November 2018

U2 ‘You mighty young to write such heavy lyrics…’ On this day in 1987 the band went in to Sun Studios, where they reco… https://t.co/nQI5sTjUe7

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:35 PM, Nov 29th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

u2songs Still no sign of “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” arriving in Canada other than a very limited number sold in… https://t.co/ymcAhFhgbe

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:34 PM, Nov 28th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

A guitarist you might have heard of makes a brief cameo in a trailer for the upcoming Grand Tour youtube.com/watch?v=-7USlC…

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Rodrivox @u2gigs https://t.co/rlA9W1XngK

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:16 PM, Nov 25th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Trailer for a movie called Racetime advertises a certain song rather prominently…

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Wint_Wyre_U2 Thanks to Scott @thegargantuan for the fantastic wall mural he painted for me to celebrate an amazing 3 years (9 sh… https://t.co/cofOKWxtQ7

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:08 PM, Nov 25th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

hotpress Order now and you can have ‘U2 Songs + Experience’ a personal dedication from the author himself, just in time for… https://t.co/eO29Dhx07L

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:05 PM, Nov 25th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

hangingoninquie My turn!!

Enter the first name that comes up when you type @ when spelling out THANK YOU. And yes, I don’t say it… https://t.co/AozD66UoQa

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:52 AM, Nov 25th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@U2lyric If one of those is cut I think it will be The Ocean, or it will be sneaked onto disc one.

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We’ve done a bit of analysis on U2’s 2019 package based on history. Here is what we think it will be like: u2gigs.com/article1315.ht… #U2

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@tobi01001 @Fefliswit @U2comZooMods @U2 Livenation just have to declare correctly with something like 10$ value and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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U2OughtaBeInPix Happy CATORCE Birthday to @U2’s How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb! And Happy 14th anniversary to the 2004 Brooklyn Br… https://t.co/QeN3LBwJSI

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:27 PM, Nov 22nd, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

@Fefliswit @U2comZooMods @U2 My gifts arrived but were on hold at customs. Customs declaration on package is wrong… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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LanceASchart It’s here! The @U2 @recordstoreday #HMTMKMKM 12” features a full-color sleeve with raised/embossed lettering, two c… https://t.co/oNB4b8doV5

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:35 AM, Nov 22nd, 2018  via TweetDeck)

I’m very curious on how the next subscription gift will be arranged. Will it be as a continuous concert like U22 an… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via TweetDeck

At least two of us (on different continents) are still waiting for it twitter.com/andrew91271/st…

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PJM143 @U2 @u2gigs @U2TOURFANS @U2tattooproject
OMG ! After 13 years of being LOST, I found my BRAND NEW #Vertigo Shirt ????… https://t.co/JRqglHwZXM

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:17 AM, Nov 22nd, 2018  via TweetDeck)

stughlover My last show was exactly a week ago…My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/MvRM23R307:https://t.co/nh46Vfi7QR

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:17 AM, Nov 22nd, 2018  via TweetDeck)

alanivory @adcoulson @U2ThreeChords @U2 @u2gigs @U2Community @U2comZooMods @u2fancast I saw these on way way home through Soh… https://t.co/4g0sjnENQR

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:14 AM, Nov 22nd, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@U2comZooMods @U2 Had troubles recently with customs in Germany as Livenation mailings are not declared correctly…. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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U2start A video of Bono & Pharrell performing Stayin’ Alive at the Kimmel (RED) show last night: youtube.com/watch?v=wG80Io…

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:50 AM, Nov 20th, 2018  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

iamjurassicmark I wrote 2,948 words about seeing @u2 in Manchester, London, Dublin and Berlin as they closed their four year “Innoc… https://t.co/Hti2IISSox

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:27 AM, Nov 20th, 2018  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

u2mp3s I am a mega dork ???? https://t.co/ZU15Jir5sW

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:40 AM, Nov 19th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

bethandbono “You’re … ridiculous people.” Bono in Berlin talking about the fans “who’ve followed us from all over the world”… https://t.co/DXrbpF4Opc

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 6:23 AM, Nov 19th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

U2ITNOL2UU2 27 years ago #OnThisDay, on 18th of November, 1991, #U2 released the Masterpiece of the Masterpieces #AchtungBaby!… https://t.co/FO0D29eLxL

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:58 AM, Nov 18th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

@NicolasVanhove Thanks for the heads up. Also got rid of the duplicate location listing we had. Name seems to be St… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to NicolasVanhove

U2OughtaBeInPix OTD 15 years ago, @U2 release “Go Home,” filmed during their first dates at Slane Castle in 20 years. @u2gigs https://t.co/UykKdMrwVJ

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:43 PM, Nov 17th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

madfl3a In case your day needs some extra cuteness…
#U2 #Cutiepies #MissThemAlready https://t.co/XdzzrVSDKy

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:37 PM, Nov 17th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

wolfgang_willms @u2gigs @KWGBerlin The Ei - Logo does really exist and was installed to honour the architect #EgonEiermann Please r… https://t.co/mUiONRF5GV

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:09 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

markpeterboro I’ve been blessed with good health, a caring family and a good job!

My personal U2 concert statistics @… https://t.co/BayqCwpfC4

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:11 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

anyopp My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/tUtJx0rwch: u2gigs.com/myshows/34714 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:11 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

alanivory @miffy66 @joshthetree_ @u2gigs You’re right there. Back in the day they didn’t have a screen facing the seats behin… https://t.co/e1F9TvStyH

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:09 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

atu2 U2 Grosses $126.2 Million With ‘Experience + Innocence’ Trek m2.cm/2RXSdCd via @Pollstar

 via Buffer (retweeted on 2:09 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

aleecebaby My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/qePsbZbmt9: u2gigs.com/myshows/34610 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:17 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

jennyduffie I hit 50! My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/3u5axRFU4F: u2gigs.com/myshows/25590 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:17 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

AD_Foster As the #U2eiTour comes to an end… My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/ykR7WywBBF: u2gigs.com/myshows/34619 via @u2gigs #U2

 via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 12:17 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

takeilen My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/2nSTnQcqwb: u2gigs.com/myshows/34627 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:17 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

desertr01237133 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/j0sGBG8Mu3: u2gigs.com/myshows/34628 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:17 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

gertdewit79 @u2gigs u2gigs.com/myshows/34199 14 shows if you incl. the black-out video shoot

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:16 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

madfl3a My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/3E3Cn1uqEH: u2gigs.com/myshows/34634 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:16 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

martinvdveen My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/56DSKy95sR: u2gigs.com/myshows/34639 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:16 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

bigappleU2 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/gAvT4a8CJD: u2gigs.com/myshows/34642 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:16 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

alanivory My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/0YsZkfl0e2: u2gigs.com/myshows/25363 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:14 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

JoeriHarcksen @u2gigs @u2songs It is a work in progress actually. But if you search on spotify for my profile you should find the… https://t.co/H8qNOYgCrt

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:12 AM, Nov 17th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@u2songs @JoeriHarcksen Ah, so they have a tape just for final dates :)

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Anyone already created a playlist from the Berlin 13/11 pre-show music?

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Ok, with these two photos by our Stefan it’s much easier. Didn’t see it at the concert. https://t.co/xWgISRP6Tr

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to u2gigs

Thanks to @cvodb for the hint in the latest @atu2 podcast episode goodstuff.fm/atu2/90 ????????

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to u2gigs

@KWGBerlin U2 used the blue window glasses of the @KWGBerlin on the screen at the end of City Of Blinding Lights in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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Guten Morgen Berlin!

Zoo Station sign with Gedächtniskirche ( @KWGBerlin ) in the background. https://t.co/Ho9RJYJC5s

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jennyduffie Hey @bethandbono @atu2comSherry @atu2 @u2gigs Do you know anyone who was RZ (or close by) north side Dublin 1? I’m… https://t.co/p91OvZsSIG

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:43 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Trap_33 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/MqXMNQWx9E: u2gigs.com/myshows/34557 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:12 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

keirdubois @u2gigs Only 5 shows in 21 years (& only one of those in a stadium), but that includes Do You Feel Loved (’97), Ple… https://t.co/4TGFQfLW7P

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:11 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

janb1969 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/ovF89XqEVK: u2gigs.com/myshows/34560 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:11 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

LegoWhisky My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/YxxlX5XYUc: u2gigs.com/myshows/34561 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:11 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@GogmeUnited We do. I think it was something like two or three songs shorter.

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mehmelci My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/FXZxv40623: u2gigs.com/myshows/34562 @u2gigs aracılığıyla

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:10 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

MrNeilHenderson My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/4ALN6n56FO: u2gigs.com/myshows/34569 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:09 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

bobbypringle1 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/rBBcAGck1z: u2gigs.com/myshows/34575 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:09 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Hamps1566 Almost 36 years since my first gig. Gutted I missed UF tour but there were reasons. What an amazing band. @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:09 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@u2songs Would this be deliberate or something like an unnoticed printing error?

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u2songs There are two versions of the USA “Numb” CD, one with the interference pattern upside down from the next. See our n… https://t.co/FuZsLyna35

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:08 AM, Nov 16th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

u2mp3s Question: did anyone buy both the US and the European tour programs? And if yes, were they different? How so? I’m t… https://t.co/RBV9KtmuGt

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:58 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

ZooStation89 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/1SWIBUFvTz: u2gigs.com/myshows/34568 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:55 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

@Noodles105 Not sure which ones you’re talking about at the moment ????

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@Noodles105 Probably the two not loading? We have removed them as they are duplicates anyway. Have to remove them f… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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racso2099 @u2gigs only 8, but became fan when in my local TV broadcast “Lemon” video in 1994. I was only 13. I feel blessed… https://t.co/Io0kdX6gm6

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:46 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

paulmaidment My personal U2 concert statistics @ U2gigs.com u2gigs.com/myshows/34437

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:34 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@ZooropR Those dates should be selectable as well, under the HTDAAB & NLOTH promo tours respectively.

 via TweetDeck in reply to ZooropR

mysteriousdays My personal U2 concert statistics @ U2gigs.com

I think my life to date total is 97 but I have to doub… https://t.co/xlGwxfiENM

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:25 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

u2songs The online store at U2Com has been updated with overstock from the tour, as well as two new Joshua Tree pendants in… https://t.co/4G7YY1zsGO

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:24 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

cvodb Tired and emotional. Was writing down some notes re: the final stretch of the show and got all teary. No tour has e… https://t.co/gD1qq1q5H2

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:21 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

@GogmeUnited Yes, I was also thinking it makes no sense to select them as they did not happen at all :) It’s more d… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to GogmeUnited

@GogmeUnited You’re right. They’re marked as postponed but still counted for your concerts. Maybe we should just no… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to GogmeUnited

GogmeUnited Now the #U2eiTour has ended it’s time to count the number of U2 shows I’ve seen since 1981, which is 40! Exactly th… https://t.co/dQDzYXGnL5

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:32 PM, Nov 15th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

@chucklelee @u2mp3s You’ll find it under UF 6th leg summer festivals.

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chucklelee

Still looking for Belfast (XL). The only one Missing from my shows. twitter.com/U2start/status…

 via Twitter for iPhone

u233tech My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/Xeg8xlDH1a: u2gigs.com/myshows/34369 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

lauratode My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/CxKOW3BtyL: u2gigs.com/myshows/34380 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

CathRedgrave My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/8PuNsphs7G: u2gigs.com/myshows/34378 via @u2gigs. Love this ⬇️⬇️Thank you so much!

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

mojave83081266 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/FYymf1Owt3: u2gigs.com/myshows/34386 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

ZooropR My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/R8NUKr5sIt: u2gigs.com/myshows/34391 via @u2gigs

*Also saw them pe… https://t.co/jSM6t7IvXq

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Rusty_Olson 34 years worth of U2 shows for me. All the stats courtesy of @u2gigs u2gigs.com/myshows/31672

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:01 AM, Nov 15th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

jon_eddy Thanks @u2gigs this is really cool to see the shows I’ve been to and the songs played u2gigs.com/myshows/26618 #U2https://t.co/QH9o9vohV2

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:35 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

fallonjw My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/NfrdnN0gn2: u2gigs.com/myshows/34358 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:35 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

Darkhours My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/9qfZDM6rtn: u2gigs.com/myshows/34356 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

chatts1999 @u2gigs I was standing there last night thinking about the depressing playlist, was commenting elsewhere about it U… https://t.co/R1v554ddtu

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:28 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

davyrev72 My personal U2 concert statistics ⁦@u2gigs⁩ but what no Glastonbury?! #U2 u2gigs.com/myshows/34256

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:27 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

asortegaa My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/AuSPtMbHN6: u2gigs.com/myshows/34351 vía @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:27 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

vegaskrismck1 So cool! Thanks @u2gigs u2gigs.com/myshows/34354

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:27 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@joshthetree_ It really doesn’t matter how many you have seen. Ok, maybe it should be at least two shows for the st… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via Tweetbot for Mac in reply to joshthetree_

@wolfgang_willms I’ll try that since I got two of them anyway.

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@wolfgang_willms Probably the most complicated way to write the dates. Just the back print would have been fine. Ma… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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john1874 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/gH7SF7oGS1: u2gigs.com/myshows/34341 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:13 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

dmmmurray7 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/uwt1xbC0WK: u2gigs.com/myshows/34340 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:12 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

U2_News @u2gigs This is my statistics, check the last 4 years, it’s fucking amazing ???? !!! u2gigs.com/myshows/26562

 via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 11:12 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Twitter for iPhone)

@davyrev72 You’ll find it listed in the Various Dates section.

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@wolfgang_willms This is just fine … just takes some time to get it. Look at the 2015 shows and you will get it :)

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@bflosenrab Your third was my first! Matkin

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bflosenrab @u2gigs from 2001-2018 u2gigs.com/myshows/26853

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:02 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Catenacciaro My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/9yLqtXWZDb: u2gigs.com/myshows/34285 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:01 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Aidan187 My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/AP0l0iRcLs: u2gigs.com/myshows/34284 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:01 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@sportvissertje Not this year, maybe spring next year

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martygmc @u2gigs u2gigs.com/myshows/34078Great to have it updated…

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:57 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

DomT77 @u2gigs u2gigs.com/myshows/31767

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:57 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

alonlo My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/BeQrIEQujz: u2gigs.com/myshows/26306 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:57 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

marinabizu2 @u2gigs Here my personal #U2 concerts statistics, last show was 10th of November 2018 #U2eiTour , first one 27th of… https://t.co/NWOcGu4fHG

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:56 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Noodles105 @u2gigs Here my statistics dear Friends. First show Roma 6th of July 1993, last one 10th of November 2018 Dublin, t… https://t.co/j9e5FVhTE6

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

Franjimenezp @u2gigs And my three shows are here. u2gigs.com/myshows/34263

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

danizabalza My personal #U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/hvKtzammUV: u2gigs.com/myshows/34264 vía @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

eran_k My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/tKqZuO7TDy: u2gigs.com/myshows/34278 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:54 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

MichaelMcIlwee My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/1IEBx02ZfY: u2gigs.com/myshows/34281 via @u2gigs

Great craic this @RonanGarland

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:54 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

@U2Ginger You’ll find it in the Various Dates section.

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Our article on the rumours of an Australian tour in 2019, with thanks to @U2Start and @U2Songs: u2gigs.com/article1313.ht…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RollingStone U2 broke out a slew of obscure songs on their just-wrapped tour. Watch them perform 10 live rarities… https://t.co/OVrGCafLJ1

 via SocialFlow (retweeted on 8:42 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

DaNiiu2 @u2gigs Yes u2gigs.com/myshows/34099 ????

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:34 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

shooboxx77 @u2gigs This is so cool! Now to do some retroactive show reviews. u2gigs.com/myshows/34189

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 7:34 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

Zooropalg My personal @U2 U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/rzjMLFvYip: u2gigs.com/myshows/34190 via @u2gigs

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:34 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

Have you created or updated your personal U2 show charts? If not you can do so here on our website: u2gigs.com/personalshowch…

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Just updated my show charts and it seems I’ve seen quite a few of the shows listed on the special Berlin shirt avai… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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harrykantas @U2 I’m just gonna put this here, for later. https://t.co/5wkvHlpJSh

 via Twitter Lite (retweeted on 4:23 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

u2songs New tour rumours, home video updates for The Joshua Tree 2017 and the E+I tour, upcoming releases, and what happene… https://t.co/f15Qi406zI

 via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:22 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via TweetDeck)

iamjurassicmark “Sing your heart out…” … with @jzcanuck taken by @u2gigs during the last show of the eXPERIENCE tour in Berlin… https://t.co/ujZJPscOW0

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:50 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

markpeterboro As I have an ‘above average’ interest in railways and love the city of Berlin it really meant a lot to me to see th… https://t.co/lyyJM1YyKI

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:44 PM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way Berlin 13/11 360 shot #U2eiTour #U2Berlin

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U2 Pride (In The Name Of Love) Berlin 13/11 360 shot #U2eiTour #U2Berlin

 via RICOH THETA for iOS

@cvodb We don’t got this one, sorry.

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@Naomi_U2Sydney @u2songs Ah, that’s probably the video shot? Do you really want to have it counted that way? ????

 via Tweetbot for iΟS in reply to u2gigs

@Naomi_U2Sydney @u2songs Please post me your stats link and I’ll have a look.

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bethandbono I saw U2 perform half of Achtung Baby last night in the city that inspired it. I heard Zoo Station hours after bein… https://t.co/HJpyFRS4nc

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:15 AM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for iΟS)

The final songs of the night and #U2eiTour U2 13 (There Is A Light) Berlin 13/11 youtu.be/gZFwvpBX9yE #U2eiTourtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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U2 Get Out Of Your Own Way Berlin 13/11 youtu.be/lnH8ih291gY #U2eiTour

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U2 City Of Blinding Lights Berlin 13/11 youtu.be/H2XW-gM39tg #U2eiTour

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U2_News Goodbye #Bono, until next time!
#U2 #U2eiTour #U2Berlin https://t.co/NR5s6qZBkq

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:06 AM, Nov 14th, 2018  via Tweetbot for Mac)

U2 Stay (Faraway, So Close!) Berlin 13/11 youtu.be/ebxpJ5z5uHk #U2eiTour

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@mctiller No, that was not working anymore on the European leg of the tour.

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U2 New Year’s Day (from GA) Berlin 13/11 youtube.com/watch?v=qH-Ii-… Video by Frank #U2eiTour

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U2 Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses Berlin 13/11 youtube.com/watch?v=LrYBBd… Video by Frank #U2eiTour

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U2 Lights Of Home Berlin 13/11 youtube.com/watch?v=upSBhp… Video by Frank #U2eiTour

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U2 The Fly (from GA) Berlin 13/11 youtube.com/watch?v=TGUnzf… Video by Frank #U2eiTour

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U2 Even Better Than The Real Thing Berlin 13/11 youtube.com/watch?v=m_SJCh… #U2eiTour

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@harrykantas You’re not there anymore I guess?

 via Tweetbot for iΟS from Berlin, Germany

Matt has videos to share, but this is Ax signing off for the tour. I never know what to say in these moments. If we… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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@tarjnye78 Well, Boy is my favourite U2 record, so have a guess. ;)

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@RDiane877 Some older fans will attest that the doomsayers have been predicting “this is the final tour” since the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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Yep, thanks everyone, it wouldn’t be possible to cover the tour in such detail without such a committed fanbase. Wh… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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We’ve got a whole bunch of #U2eiTour stats for you in our write-up of the final night of the tour in Berlin. The ar… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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Just realised Bono didn’t tack the melody of The Miracle on to the end of 13 like he did in Dublin… #U2eiTour

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markpeterboro Thank you all so much for your reweets,likes,interactions & thanks on this tour, I couldn’t have done this without… https://t.co/aLMq0WmqJn

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:01 PM, Nov 13th, 2018  via Twitter Web Client)

I just want to say a huge thank you to Mark. I now can’t imagine a U2 tour without his setlist charts. However did… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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Thanks so much to Matt for a really incredible Mixlr tonight, crystal clear sound. Can’t wait for the videos! #U2eiTour

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“Honey, I’m home.” Bono walks off stage and that’s the end of the #U2eiTour. It’s been a time, folks.

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I will concede that this is the first time the mass panic has at least seemed plausible. But there’ll be *something… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

 via Twitter Web Client in reply to u2gigs

Every tour I’ve covered, right back to Vertigo, every final gig is the same: mass panic that this is the last gig…. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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23. Well, Bono has got through the show this time! Last song of the night and the tour, 13 (There Is a Light). #U2eiTour

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Bono thanks all the fans who have followed the band around, and the band’s crew. Now talking about Mark Fisher, who… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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Bono: “we’ve been on the road for quite some time, just going on 40 years, and this last 4 years have been really s… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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22. Love is big, it’s bigger than us, but love is not what—

Wait, no, they never did Please this tour despite how… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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“No them only us” snippet from Invisible at the end of One. #U2eiTour

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Bono: “I told you the band couldn’t see eye-to-eye when recording Achtung Baby… we sorta run out of love with the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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21. First song of the encore is One. Guess that means no fourth performance of Landlady. #U2eiTour

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Bono is back on stage dishing out the thanks and praise. #U2eiTour

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